Hello! I’m Juliet. I’m a qualitative health researcher, working to support maternity and women’s health services through positive culture change. I’m a facilitator, holding space for difficult and essential conversations. And above all I’m a storyteller, finding the compelling, powerful, and important messages in the stories people tell.
About my work
When it comes to what your staff and service users really think, I can help you discover the key stories. Whether you’re wondering where on earth to start in trying to find out, or you’re overwhelmed by feedback, I can help you to identify the most powerful lessons and devise strategies to make positive changes.
My skills are especially helpful if you’re an organisation using health evidence for crucial policy decisions, working with a national health organisation, or simply a busy research team who need a friendly and confident professional to lighten the load.
Whatever you’re working on, let’s find out how I can make it easier for you. Get in touch at hello@julietrayment.co.uk.
My previous clients include: Midwifery Unit Network, City University of London, Kingston St Georges, The Royal Foundation, Lambeth Early Action Partnership, The Royal College of Midwives, The European Climate Foundation, SAFE!, King's College London, The University of East London, The University of Nottingham, The University of Oxford, Queen Mary University of London.
“Juliet has all the skills and attributes that you need to see through a high quality, fast paced research or consultation project”.
— Dr Mary Ross-Davie, Director of Midwifery, Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
“A joy to work with; a true collaborator”.
— Sam, Social Worker in Children’s Services